Monday, January 7, 2013

Magnesium fuel cell, its anode made of flame-retardant Mg alloy

The magnesium fuel cell (MgFC) is now commercially available from MagPower Systems Inc. The MgFC is capable of driving the devices, for example, coffee maker. MagPower uses a “hydrogen inhibitor” as its properietry technology.
Kohama Lab. et al are now actively developing the magnesium fuel cell (MgFC) functioning as like a primary battery. The MgFC uses a flame-retardant magnesium alloy for its anode (negative electrode).
MagPower has successfully suppressed the hydrogen generation causing the self-discharge by using the properietry hydrogen inhibitor. “MagPower has developed powerful, reliable and environmentally friendly non-toxic inhibitors that have been shown to control the formation of hydrogen in certain commercial applications. ”
Kohama et al 1) use a flame-retardant magnesium alloy for the anode of the MgFC 1) to substantially solve the self-discharge problem, and 2) secures stable electricity supply for a long time. >> More

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