Saturday, February 23, 2013

Future lays somewhere beyond lithium-based chemistries-6

Next Generation Batteries 2013 - April 30- May 1, 2013 - Boston, MA
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Printed Thin Film Lithium-Ion Batteries
Multi-applicative smart tags, cards
appear to be the next generation of devices, which could revolutionize the electronic commerce and smart communication, access, control in very large domain of applications (transport, ambient intelligence, industrial implant).
Such products need embedded 2D power sources, offering the highest energy density.
Basically made from inks, the lithium-ion technology is so really well adapted to be designed in such printed configuration. Consequently CEA and Solvay jointly have engaged a large program of development on innovative thin film and printable lithium-ion batteries, using monolithic structure printed from specific PVDF based inks, making them conformable and flexible.
This presentation will be given by Hélène Rouault of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), and Julio Abusleme of Solvay S.A. at Next Generatio n Batteries 2013
*Save $50 Now with Advance Registration - Expires Friday March 1, 2013
Click here

If interesting, please go to Event

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Future lays somewhere beyond lithium-based chemistries-5

Next Generation Batteries 2013 - April 30- May 1, 2013 - Boston, MA
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Investigation of Graphite-Based Electrodes for Vanadium Flow Cell- by Alessandra Di Blasi of NR-Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l’Energia “Nicola Giordano
Several graphite-based electrodes are investigated for vanadium flow battery applications. These materials are characterized both as-received and after chemical or electrochemical treatments.
The chemical treatment causes a cleaning of the electrode surface from adsorbed oxygen species or labile bonded functional groups in highly graphitic samples. Whereas, carbonaceous materials characterized by smaller graphitic domains or a higher degree of amorphous carbon
show an increase of oxygen functional groups upon chemical and electrochemical pre-treatments.
An increase of oxygen species content on the surface above 5% causes a decrease of electrochemical performance determined by an increase of ohmic and charge transfer resistance.
This presentation will be given by Alessandra Di Blasi of NR-Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate per l’Energia “Nicola Giordano” at Next Generation Batteries 2013.
If interesting, please go to Event.

*Save $50 Now with Advance Registration - Expires Friday March 1, 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013

Mg FC is resistant to disasters

Mg FC is resistant to disasters” in “Magnesium fuel cell, its anode made of flame-retardant Mg alloy” is written anew.

In the case of the hydrogen-based fuel cells currently used, for example, the residential CHP (ENEFARM) reforms city gas to produce hydrogen and uses the produced hydrogen for its fuel. In a disaster situation, if the pipeline for feeding city gas is damaged, the H2FC-contained CHP is inoperable even if the CHP itself is not damaged and is normally operable.
In this situation, the Mg FC is normally operable if the FC itself is not damaged and seawater (electrolytic solution) is available. The MgFC has a long life span (several tens years) as already described.
The MgFC may be used in the following way (see a photograph given below) in preparation for a disaster situation. A simple power supply system has an MgFC, a controller, a switch and others.
An output line of the power supply system is connected to a load, for example, TV, while a detecting line of the same for detecting an electric state of a power line in a house is coupled with the power line.
When a grid power supply stops in an emergency, the controller detects the power supply stop, instructs a related portion of the system to inject the electrolyte into the MgFC body, while at the same time operate the switch to connect the output line to the TV. The MgFC in turn operates to start power supply to the TV. TV is ceaselessly operating and presenting a TV program, for example, news.
In the test conducted at the end of April 2012, the MgFC could continuously power a 9-inch TV and 96 LEDs for 25 hours. See [PDF. pages 9 & 10]

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現在使用されている水素ベースの家庭用燃料電池 (ENEFARM) の場合、一般に都市ガスを改質し、水素を作り、それを燃料としている。災害が発生し、ガス供給用パイプラインが損傷を受けた場合、ENEFARMが正常でも使用できない。こういった場合、MgFCは損傷を受けない限り、海水など(電解液)があれば、そのまま動作する。電解液(食塩水)をはずしておけば、数十年は持つ。

MgFC、 コントローラ、切り替え器などを持つ簡単な電源システムを作る。
継続使用時間については、April 2012の下旬に行われた試験では、9-inch TVと96個のLEDを25時間駆動しています。詳しくは、[PDF. pages 9 & 10]
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Friday, February 8, 2013

H2FC charger of handheld type

A handheld H2FC charger is well described in “Highlighting JAPAN” [pdf file: 24 page (25 and 26 pages)] by Takashi Sasaki, freelance writer. The charger was co-developed by Rohm Co., Aquafairy, and Prof. Hirao (Kyoto Uni.). The charger uses a calcium-hydride solid-state sheet for generating hydrogen. The development of the fuel cell is now actively continuing for further enhancement. The same H2FC was also described on my site.
A new H2FC battery, based on the same principle, will be launched before long (planned to launch on April this year). The battery is featured by a large capacity of 400 Whr and light weight of 3 kg, 1/4 of that of the conventional lead-acid battery.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Link is being cut off

Information: On Firefox browser, the link from "CompaniesListing" to the related page is cut off maliciously by the confirmed net-criminal.
Measure has been taken, but possibility of cutting off the link soon is present.
Please use the IE browser.
FuelCell japan

Future lays somewhere beyond lithium-based chemistries-4

Next Generation Batteries 2013
- April 30- May 1, 2013 - Boston, MA

Bio-Battery: A Novel Micropower Source for Portable Electronics
CFDRC* is developing an enzyme catalyzed power source, Bio-Battery, which generates energy from readily-available fuels (sugars, alcohols, etc.).
The Bio-Battery can power applications for both military and civilian needs. Additionally applications are seen in biomedical devices, where power generation from physiological fluids could lead to improved implantable medical devices.
The technology benefits include high energy density, safety, low-cost and renewable biocatalysts, and logistically-favorable fuels. A mature prototype has been demonstrated.
This presentation will be given by Sameer Singhal of CFD Research Corp. at Next Generation Batteries 2013.

* CFDRC = CFD Research Corporation: Cutting edge technologies and provides innovative solutions for Aerospace & Defense, Biomedical & Life Sciences, Energy & Materials, and other industries.
Since its inception in 1987, CFDRC has worked with government agencies, businesses, and academia, and has earned national recognitions for successful application and commercialization of innovative technologies (multi-physics software, hardware designs and prototypes, and multi-disciplinary analyses).
If interested, please go to my site (Event).

Early bird discounts expire on Friday, February 8, 2013 - Register today and save $100 off your registration fee 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Current Kohama MgFC

"Current Kohama MgFC" in "Magnesium fuel cell, its anode made of flame-retardant Mg alloy" has been rewritten as below.  ****************************

Kohama MgFCのspecs (as of latter of May 2012):
Rated capacity: 60Ah
Rated voltage: 1.5V/cell
Cell size: 42 x 225x 15 mm
Mass: 470 g/cell
Mass energy density: 200Wh/g
For its details, reference is made to pdf file, 7 to14 pages.
the use of the permanent power source, performance test examples, applications of MgFC, and others. Prof. Kohama says the basic performances of the MgFC have already been secured. In this connection, reference is made to “Kohama MgFC technology (技術)” in this article.

The prototype of the MgFC successfully charged 120 mobile phones at 360 W as its output. In use, the salt water (electrolytic solution) is set to the FC body. The MgFC is normally operable at its rated output power even after it is left for several tens years in a state that the solution is not set to the FC body. The Mg FC was designed for emergency use at medical facilities, communication stations, homes, etc. Its application covers power sources for automobiles, as a matter of course. Pro. Kohama has a schedule to really commercialize the Mg FC within one year. There will be somewhat less time lag from the target position in time.
An advanced MgFC (4 kWh) was tested in the early of December 2012.  The MgFC, which was combined with a L-ion battery, was used for powering a trike.  The trike succeeded in running a distance of 100 km on the public road.  A schematic circuit for powering the trike will resemble the circuit diagram illustrated on page 11 of a pdf file.
It is recently revealed that the MgFC succeeds in continuously feeding current for 10 hours.
The price of the MgFC will be significantly low. Prof. Kohama says that the price of the MgFC will be almost half of that of the lead-acid battery currently and widely used by the automobile.
Prof. Kohama has long developed the next generation transportation system, named as AeroTrain. For his specialities, please refer to a list of academic papers.  A flame-retardant magnesium alloy is used for the body of the train. He accidentally found the fact that the flame-retardant magnesium alloy exhibits an excellent corrosion resistance against seawater.  Prof. Kohama says that the discovery triggered him to think of application of the flame-retardant magnesium alloy to the MgFC. An MgFC was manufactured: negative electrode = flame-retardant magnesium alloy, positive electrode = air (oxygen), and electrolytic solution = 18 wt% salt water.  Unexpected good results were produced: 1.5 V & 60 Ah/cell.  Found a surprising fact: The magnesium can store electric energy.  It is a common that the electricity storage is impossible.  This common opinion is completely denied.
Prof. Kohama has long developed the next generation transportation system, named as AeroTrain (see related article on my site).  The development is based on environment friendliness.  To this end, the basic necessity is to reduce the weight of the train as possible and the energy to power the train.  He constantly seeks an appropriate train-powering energy source.  It seems that he always bears the renewable energy in mind.  He also is constantly thinking of the solar energy based process to smelt magnesium, to acquire the magnesium.  In this circumstance, he met the MgFC accidentally. 

Magnesium is smelted using a solar energy.  The solar energy is stored through the smelting process. The magnesium storing the solar energy is transported to places needing the magnesium.  In those places, the magnesium is used as an industrial material or converted into electrical energy.  The used magnesium is smelted or reduced and is used again.  Note that the almost limitlessly magnesium resource is recyclable. 
Prof. Kohama advocates this recycling process and moves ahead with it as “Soleil project”.  The project will be described in detail in another article. 

Kohama MgFCの現状

マグネシウム燃料電池、難燃性マグネシウム合金をアノードに使用」の「Kohama MgFCの現状」を書き直しました。

May 2012の後半におけるKohama MgFCのspecs:
Rated capacity: 60Ah
Rated voltage: 1.5V/cell
Cell size: 42 x 225x 15 mm
Mass: 470 g/cell
Mass energy density: 200Wh/g

詳細はpdf file 7 to14 pagesをご参照ねがいたい。
MgFCの構造、家庭用常備電源と使用例、性能試験結果、応用例などについて記載されている。基本性能は確保してある。 See “Kohama MgFC technology (技術)” in this article。

360 W で120 mobile phonesを充電した。使用時に、食塩水(電解液)をMgFC 本体にセットした。数十年間放置しておいても、電解液を本体より外しておけば、このMgFCはそのセット後正常に作動する。MgFCは医療、通信、家庭などでの緊急時の使用を想定して開発されている。自動車などへの利用も当然想定して開発が進められている。その完成を約1年後と想定しているようだ。少しのずれはあるのだろう。
昨年12月の初旬、4kWhのMgFCをtrikeに積んで100 kmを走行し、成功している。公道での試験だ。L-ion batteryを駆動源とし、それにMgFCでchargeさせながらの走行にようである。駆動系の概略回路はpdf fileの11 pageに記したものだろう。
最近、10 Aの電流を10時間流し続けたことを発表している。
価格は非常に低くなるようだ。現在使用されている自動車用の鉛電池(lead-acid battery)と比較するとその半値と言っている。

Prof. Kohamaは次世代高速輸送システム(AeroTrain)を長い間研究している。ご専門は学術論文リストをみてもらいたい。
予想外の好結果を得た。MgFCを作製:負極 = 難燃性マグネシウム合金、正極 = 空気(酸素)、電解液 = 18 (wt) 食塩水。結果1.5 V & 60 Ah/cellProf. Kohamaのもう一つの驚き:電気エネルギーをマグネシウムに貯めることができる。これまで、電気は貯められないと言われてきた。これが覆った。

氏は次世代高速輸送体(AeroTrain)を長い間開発している。この開発は環境親和を前提に行われている。このためには車体にマグネシウムを用い車体を軽くし、その駆動エネルギーを小さくしなければならない。また、最適な駆動用エネルギー源を探していた。再生可能エネルギーなどを駆動に使うことを念頭にしていたようである。また、マグネシウムの取得に太陽光による精錬を考えていた。こういった中でのMgFC との出会いである。

氏はこの循環を「Soleil project」として推し進めている。これらについては別のarticlesで書く予定。

Friday, February 1, 2013

Future lays somewhere beyond lithium-based chemistries-3

Next Generation Batteries 2013
- April 30- May 1, 2013 - Boston, MA

* Next Generation Batteries 2013 will gather leading organizations from around the world in Boston
* Exhibit at Next Generation Batteries 2013 - Gain Valuable Exposure For Your Products and Research at this Important Event!
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Liquid Metal Batteries for Grid Scale Electricity Storage
by David Bradwell of Ambri, Inc., (inventor: Prof. Donald Sadoway, MIT)
Ambri is developing the liquid metal battery technology which was invented in the lab of Professor Donald Sadoway at MIT. Each cell consists of three self-separating liquid layers - two metals and a salt - that float on top of each other based on density differences and immiscibility. The system operates at elevated temperature maintained by self-heating during charging and discharging. The result is a storage system that is low-cost, easy to manufacture, long lifespan, reliable and safe. This presentation will be given by David Bradwell of Ambri, Inc., at Next Generation Batteries 2013.
If interested, please go to my site (Event).

Early bird discounts expire on Friday, February 8, 2013 - Register today and save $100 off your registration fee