Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Mg Soleil Project-7

III. Magnesium
3.1 Excellent Properties of Magnesium
3.2 Magnesium Market and its Trends
3.2.1 World Market

3.2.2 Japanese Market
3.3    Something to be solved

3.2.2 Japanese Market
2013magnesium demand in Japan (predicted) (JMA)
1) Structural material section – 7,845 tons (decreased 4.5% on the previous year)
2) Additive agent section – 28,250 tons (decreased 1.1% on the previous year)
3) Overall – 37,395 tons  (decreased 1.6% on the previous year)

The above predicted figures are affected by overseas transfer of production bases and weak Yen.  The current magnesium demand keeps at around 40,000 tons.  70% or higher of the total magnesium demand is the additive agent to the aluminum alloy.  The die casting magnesium alloy is only about 10%. 
Also in Japan, application of magnesium die casting to automobiles parts will enter a full-fledge stage at high possibility. This is based on the facts that at least environment issue guides the automobile to their weight reduction and the automobile market is giant.  Note that magnesium (specific gravity = 1.8) is the lightest of the metals. 
Examples of magnesium die casting products:
1) steering, engine blocks, oil pan, etc. (automobiles), and 2) housings of single-lens reflex cameras, laptop PCs, mobile phones, etc. (electronics devices). 
Reference-1: (from 1960)
* Domestic Chronology (application to cars); -
  Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Mitsubishi
* Foreign Chronology (application to cars); -
  a) Northern America - GM、Ford、Chrysier
  b) European - VW、BMW、Daimier、Benz、Porsche、Fiat、Cromodla、 Audi


3.3 Something to be solved
It is predicted that the magnesium products for automobiles will increase in amount and expand in
the range of their applications.  At present, China exclusively (around 90%) supplies the smelted magnesium to the most of the countries in the world.  The fact shows that the magnesium used in Japan largely and inevitably depends on the import of the magnesium from China.  World economic affairs and the will of the manufacturing country greatly affect the magnesium supply and price in Japan.  The magnesium supply and price in Japan are not stable. 
It is said that manufacturing costs, including labor costs, caused the handling of the magnesium smelting business by China.  The smelting process used is the Pidgeon process.  The magnesium smelting based on the Pidgeon process was industrially carried out around 20 years ago also in Japan. It is said that the smelting technology in China has advanced to such a level that the CO2
emission/ton is comparable with that of the aluminum smelting process.
Japan is in a serious state of magnesium import dependency.  Use of the magnesium die casting products for automobiles will be in a full-fledge state, as referred to above.  The domestic magnesium market will increase in amount and expand in its application range from now on.  With the trend, the used magnesium will increase.  It is clear that problem how to make a disposal of the increase amount of the used magnesium will arise.  In this situation, a revolutionary magnesium smelting process has been proposed in Japan.  The new smelting process can effectively cope with the problem cleanly and inexpensively.  The smelting process has a potential to supersede the current smelting process.  The component technologies thereof have already been developed.  It is in an experimental stage.

Kohama Smelting Process:
Prof. Kohama proposes an innovative magnesium smelting process.  The most important feature of the
smelting process is to use solar energy for generating the smelting temperature.  The smelting process is a modification of the Pigeon process currently used. The conventional smelting process smelts magnesium by burning cokes and at 1,200 degrees C.  A large amount of CO2 emission is
inevitable in executing the smelting process. The Kohama smelting process uses a solar furnace for generating the smelting temperature of 1,200 degrees C.  Note that light is reflected on a mirror surface and the reflected light is directly used to generate the smelting temperature.  Little loss is generated during the light to heat conversion process.  The light to heat conversion efficiency is 70% or higher.  The heating process is clean as a matter of course.

3.2.2 日本の市場
日本の2013 年の需要予測 (JMA)
1) 構造部門: 7,845 トン (前年比 4.5%減)
2) 添加材部門:28,250 トン(前年比 1.1%減)
3) 全体:37,395トン (前年比 1.6%減)


自動車向けダイカスト製品の例: 1) ステアリング、エンジンブロック、オイルパン等 (自動車用)、2) ノート

ご参考-1: (1960年代からの)
* 車への適応年表(国内):
* 車への適応年表(国外):
    欧州:VW、BMW、Daimier、Benz、Porsche、Fiat、Cromodla、 Audi

3.3 課題など
現在、中国がマグネシウムを世界にほぼ独占的に (90%前後) 供給している。



Pro. Kohamaは新しいマグネシウム精錬法を提案している。特徴は精錬温度の確保に太陽光を利用している。現在主流となっているピジョン法の変形である。従来の方法では1,200℃の温度と触媒を使用してマグネシウム

Mg Soleil Project-6A (Table of Contents)

Mg Soleil Project
Table of Contents

I. Introduction
1.1 Solar energy and Magnesium
1.2 Magnesium smelting
1.3 Magnesium
1.4 Magnesium Fuel Cell (MgFC)

II. Mg Soleil Project
2.1 Magnesium Recycling Society
2.2 Economic Effects

III. Magnesium
3.1 Excellent Properties of Magnesium
3.2 Magnesium Market and its Trends
  3.2.1 World Market
  3.2.2 Japanese Market
3.3  Something to be solved

         -  Kohama Smelting Process
IV. Magnesium Smelting
4.1 Kohama Smelting
4.2 Solar Furnace for Magnesium Smelting Used in Experiment (Fig. 2)

V. Magnesium Fuel Cell Technology
5.1 Self-Discharging
5.2 Kohama MgFC technology
5.3 Present Status of MgFC
5.4 Resistive to Disaster
5.5 Major Advantages of MgFC

VI. AeroTrain

I. Introduction
1.1. 太陽光エネルギーとマグネシウム
1.2. マグネシウム精錬と太陽光エネルギー
1.3 マグネシウム
1.4 マグネシウム燃料電池

II. Mg Soleil Project
2.1 マグネシウム循環社会
2.2 Mg 循環社会の効果

III. マグネシウム
  3.2.1 世界の市場
  3.2.2 日本の市場
3.3 課題など

      -  Kohama Smelting Process
IV マグネシウム精錬
4.1 Kohama精錬
4.2 実験に使用したマグネシウム精錬用太陽炉設備(Fig. 2)

V. マグネシウム燃料電池 (MgFC)
5.1 自己放電
5.3 小濱MgFC technology
5.4小濱MgFC technologyの現状
5.5 MgFCは災害に強い
5.6 MgFC の主な利点

VI. AeroTrain

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mg Soleil Project-6

III.    Magnesium
3.1      Excellent Properties of Magnesium
3.2      Magnesium Market and its Trends
3.2.1 World Market
3.2.2 Japanese Market
3.3  Issues and Problems

III. Magnesium
3.1 Excellent Properties
Magnesium is available anywhere in the world. There is no fear that the magnesium resources are consumed up to exhaustion.  Magnesium never solely exists in a natural state.  Magnesium may be utilized anywhere if it may be smelted.
Magnesium has many excellent properties as the light metal.  Specific gravity: Mg = 1.8、and Al = 2.7、Fe = 7.9. Of those metals, magnesium is the lightest metal.  The strength of magnesium when used as a structural material is significantly high.  Magnesium has a good heat radiation property.  It also has a good shielding property against the electromagnetic waves. It has many excellent properties of, for example, specific strength, specific rigidity, shock absorption, machinability, depression resistance.  Its dimension little varies with respect to temperature and time.  Its recyclability is good. 

3.2      Magnesium Market and its Trends
3.2.1   World Market
882 x 1000 tons in 2015, and 1279 x 1000 tons in 2020 = a prediction of the world demand of magnesium.  A predicted value of the world magnesium demand in 2012 749 x 1000 tons (C & M company, material disclosed by 2010 IMA international meeting, and JMA). 

The world magnesium demand over a range from 2012 to 2020 sharply increases as clearly shown through comparison of those figures of the magnesium demand.  Note that the die casting magnesium alloy (automobile parts) occupies the most of the magnesium demand increase. 

Magnesium demands: (JMA)
1) Additive agent for aluminum-based alloy (40% of total demand)
2)Die casting for automobile parts
3) Die casting for other fields
4) Desulfurization for steel production
5) Others

Note that of those demand items the die casting for automobile parts sharply increases: 191 (in 2011)、216 (2012)、308 (2015)、521 (2020) (unit: x 1000 tons).  Automobile manufacturers in Europe actively use magnesium parts for automobiles, for example, instrument panels, engine cradles, and roof rails.  To cope with environment and resource issues, automobile emission regulations become stricter.  The tendency of the emission regulations forces the manufacturers to reduce weight of automobiles.  The tendency is worldwide and will be intensified more and more. 
Prediction is made such that the magnesium demand will sharply increase in the world.  It is said that China has a plan to make large scale production of magnesium. Posco (Korean) proceeds with a project to construct an integrated production system ranging from the magnesium smelting to plateworking.

III. マグネシウム

マグネシウムの比重:Mg = 1.8。アルミニウムと鉄の比重:Al = 2.7、Fe = 7.9。
リサイクル性がよい。Japan Magnesium Association (JMA)

3.2       マグネシウム市場とその動向
3.2.1          世界の市場
マグネシウムの世界の需要推移は全体として882 (2015)、1279 (2020) (単位:千トン)と予測されている。2012が749 (予測値) である(C&M社 2010年IMA国際会議発表資料、日本マグネシウム協会)。これらの値を比較するとかなりの増大である。その増加のほとんどが鋳造用マグネシウム合金 (自動車部品用)。

1) アルミニウムをベースとした合金種への添加材(全体の約40%)
2) ダイカスト向け(自動車)
3) ダイカスト向け(その他) 
4) 鉄鋼脱硫向け
5) その他

注目すべきは、これら項目の中で、自動車用ダイカストの伸びが著しい:191 (2011)、216 (2012)、308 (2015)、521 (2020)。

Mg Soleil Project-5

I.         Introduction
1.1      Solar energy and Magnesium
1.2      Magnesium
1.3      Magnesium
1.4      Magnesium Fuel Cell (MgFC)
II.     Mg Soleil Project
2.1      Magnesium Recycling Society
2.2      Economic Effects

II. Mg Soleil Project
Mg Soleil project consists of:
1) To the gathered magnesium resources, including used magnesium;
2) To transport the smelted magnesium to target places; and
3) To use the magnesium products as intended. Examples: a) to convert the magnesium into electrical energy, for example, through the MgFC. b) to use the magnesium as light metal materials. The Mg Soleil project realizes a society (“magnesium recycling society”) where the magnesium is recyclably used with the aid of the solar energy. Mg Soleil project will pave the effective way to the "sustainable society"

2.1      Magnesium Recycling Society
The concept of the Mg Soleil project is pictorially shown in Fig. 1. Magnesium-contained materials naturally occurring, including used magnesium materials, are smelted by using solar energy to produce high purity magnesium (Mg).
The resultant magnesium takes the form of grain. The grain magnesium is processed into flame-retardant magnesium. The flame-retardant magnesium is transported to target places. In transportation of grain magnesium, no problem arises in the transportation.
The smelted magnesium stores solar energy.  In this sense, it serves as a carrier carrying solar energy. The magnesium after used is smelted again and reused. Note that the substantially limitless resources are recyclably used. As seen from 2Mg + H2O H2 + 2MgO, H2 can be generated. H2 has a variety of applications. Its typical application is the hydrogen fuel cell.
The following three technologies are essentially needed for the project.
1)       Mg smelting technology using solar heat
2)       MgFC (magnesium fuel cell)
3)       Technology to make Mg flame-retardant

Magnesium smelting technology:  Component technologies are substantially completed. A prototype of a smelting system using a solar furnace was manufactured in his lab. The prototype successfully operated.
MgFC: The MgFC has been developed in such a level as to be operable as an emergency-use battery. The MgFC for automobiles is under development. The MgFC successfully produced about 80% of its theoretical electric capacity of the magnesium electrode (negative electrode). The problem that is left to the MgFC will be how to increase the electric capacity of the positive (air) electrode. The details of the MgFC will be given later. The technology for making Mg flame-retardant: Its research and development have already been completed. The technologies 1) and 2) will be subsequently described in detail.

2.2      Economic Effects
At least the following businesses will be produced during the course of carrying out the Mag Soleil project:
1)       To make magnesium flame-retardant
2)       To miniaturize magnesium into grain
3)       To sell furnaces (solar furnace, bio-furnace, fossil
           fuel furnace)
4)       To smelt magnesium
5)       To transport magnesium products to target places
6)       To make retort (at 1,200 degrees C, 1 Torr pressure
7)       To manufacture magnesium and air electrodes for dry and
           wet batteries
8)       To convert Mg (OH)2 MgO
9)       To transport used magnesium to desert sites
10)     To take out and to separate semi-products
11)     To generate electric power by MgFCs
12)     To supply chains
13)     To operate recovery chains

"Hydrogen society" has been well known as a future energy society.  Many problems are still involved in the hydrogen when it is put into practice, however. More technology development is needed in generation, storage, and transportation of hydrogen. Much cost must be consumed for developing hydrogen technologies for its practical use.  I have never heard that the hydrogen embrittlement problem has been solved.  The hydrogen equipment being currently practically used is still expensive.  The hydrogen stations are still at high cost, 6 Oku-Yen/one station.

II. Mg Soleil Project
Mg Soleil project
1) 収集したマグネシウム資源 (使用後のマグネシウムを含む) を精錬する。
2) 精錬したマグネシウムを目的地に運搬する。
3) マグネシウムを用途に合わせて使用する。
例:a) マグネシウムを MgFC を介して電気エネルギーに変換する。
b) マグネシウムを軽量金属材料として利用する。
Mg Soleil project は、このように太陽光を介しマグネシウムを循環的に利用する社会(Mg 循環社会)を実現する。壮大なスケールを持つプロジェクトである。「持続可能な社会」実現の切り札となる。

2.1 Mg 循環社会
Mg Soleil project の概念を Fig. 1 に絵図で示す。
このように、マグネシウムは電気エネルギー等として、さらに軽金属材料として利用される。また、2Mg + H2O H2 + 2MgO で示すように、H2 の発生が可能である。H2 は水素燃料電池の燃料として利用できる。
この Mg 循環社会の実現には、以下の三つの技術が必要である。
1) Mg の精錬技術 (太陽熱を利用した)
2) マグネシウム発電
3) マグネシウムの難燃化
マグネシウム精錬技術: 要素技術はほぼ完成している。その prototype は成功している、lab で。マグネシウム発電: 開発途上である。緊急用電源としては実用域に達している。マグネシウム電極(負極)の理論電気容量の約80%を取り出している。問題は空気極(正極)の容量値の上げであろう。詳細は後で述べる。マグネシウムの難燃化:この技術はすでに完成している。
1)   2)の技術については後述する。

2.2 経済的効果
1)   Mg Soleil project の実行おいて、以下のような事業が発生する。
1) マグネシウムの難燃化
2) 得たマグネシウムの粒化
3) 炉販売(太陽炉、バイオ炉、化石炉)
4) マグネシウムの精錬事業
5) 製品となったマグネシウムの国内への輸送
6) レトルト(retort)化 1,200加熱、1Torr 減圧)
7) 電池化(湿&乾)、Mg 空気極事業
8) Mg(OH)2 MgO 事業
9) 使用済みマグネシウムの砂漠へ輸送事業
10)  取り出し・分離事業
11)  MgFC 発電事業
12)  サプライチェーン事業
13)   回収チェーン事業

「水素社会」が言われている。しかし、水素の扱いについては問題を抱えたままである。その発生、貯蔵、運搬にさらなる技術の開発が必要であり、費用もかかる。さ らに、水素脆化の問題、これも完全に解決されたという話を聞かない。費用に関 しては水素stations を見ればわかる。6億円/station と言われている。

Mg Soleil Project-4

I.         Introduction
1.1      Solar energy and Magnesium
1.2      Magnesium Smelting

1.3      Magnesium
1.4      Magnesium Fuel Cell (MgFC)

1.3      Magnesium
Magnesium is one of future metal materials.
The magnesium resources are almost limitless and eternally available. The magnesium materials that are mainly and currently smelted: seawater (MgCl2), underground salt water, dolomite (MgCO3・CaCO3), and magnesite (MgCO3).
Magnesium has excellent properties as the practical metal material. It is the lightest of the metal materials.
Further, it has excellent properties of specific strength, specific rigidity, vibration absorption, machinability, and depression resistance when compared with those of other metal materials.
Of the demand items of magnesium, the die casting product for automobiles exhibits a sharp increase of demand. This is the world trend.  The trend will be more and more intensified in future. The demand item of magnesium as an additive to the aluminum based alloy (around 40%) is the largest one at present.
Prof. Kohama has long engaged the development of the next generation high speed transport system (AeroTrain). Flame- retardant magnesium alloy (Mg-Al-Ca, developed by AIST) is used for making the train body.
The renewable energy- based power generators, such as solar battery and wind power, suffices for powering the train.
ART003  (AeroTrain movie): Fuel consumption amount = less than the half of that by Shinkansen, and = less than 1/5 of that by Linear Motor Car.

1.4      Magnesium Fuel Cell
The magnesium fuel cell (MgFC) has been developed in such a level as to be operable as an emergency-use battery. The MgFC for automobiles is under development. The MgFC belongs to the category of the metal – air battery.
Negative electrode = magnesium alloy containing aluminum and calcium
Electrolytic solution = one selected from among sodium chloride solution, sodium hydroxide solution, sodium bicarbonate solution, and sodium percarbonate solution.
The positive electrode uses oxygen as an active material. Oxygen is taken into the battery though the positive electrode from external air. The MgFC successfully solved the self-discharge problem inherent to this type of the battery.

No self-discharge problem enables the magnesium-air battery to continuously operate. This fact is technologically significant. The MgFC has a mass energy density of 2.6 kWh/kg. The figure is 10 times larger than that of the lithium battery. MgFC is capable of powering the vehicle 500 km with 20 kg of magnesium.
The MgFC is scalable and its scale is expandable as intended. MgFC plants that can satisfy the whole electric energy consumed by the nation may be constructed. Prof. Kohama advocates swiftly energy- shifting from the traditional energy such as nuclear energy and fossil energy to magnesium fuel energy. He made a rough estimate of the building cost of a 1,000,000 kW magnesium plant at about 1000 Oku- Yen. Its details consist of about 500 Oku-Yen (magnesium smelting plant) and about 500 Oku-Yen (MgFC plant). 1000 Oku-Yen is lower than the half of the nuclear power plant.

1.3 Magnesium
マグネシウム資源はほぼ無限である。約 800 トンの海水に1トンの割合でマグネシウムが存在する。
現在、主に使用されるマグネシウムの精錬原料:海水(MgCl2)、地下かん水、ドロマイト(MgCO3 ・CaCO3)およびマグネサイト(MgCO3)。
その実用金属としての特性は非常に優れている。金属の中で最も軽い。比強度、比剛性、振動吸収性、切削性、耐くぼみ性などにおいても、他金属に比べて優れている。放熱特性がよく、電磁波に対してのシールド性がよい。 マグネシウムの需要項目の中で自動車用ダイカストの伸びが大きい。これは世界的な 傾向である。今後これは強まってゆく。アルミニウムをベースとした合金種への添加材(全体の約40%)、これが現在の最大の需要先である。
Prof. Kohama は次世代高速輸送システムの開発に長い間携わっている。 この車体に難燃性マグネシウム合金(Mg-Al-Ca合金、産総研九州センターが開発)を使用している。輸送体の駆動は太陽電池などの自然エネルギーによる発電電力で間に合う。 ART003 号機 (走行試験動画)。燃料消費量 = 新幹線の半分以下、リニアの 1/5 以下。

1.4 マグネシウム燃料電池
マグネシウム燃料電池(MgFC)は緊急用電池としては利用可能なレベルにある。自動車用   MgFCに向けて開発を進めている。後で詳しく述べる。マグネシウム燃料電池は金属―空気電池の一種。
負極材 = アルミニウム及びカルシウムを含有するマグネシウム合金電解液 = 塩化ナトリウム水溶液、水酸化ナトリウム水溶液、炭酸水素ナトリウム水溶液、及び過炭酸ナトリウム水溶液からなる群から選ばれる少なくとも1つ。
陽極は酸素を活物質として使う。空気を陽極から取り入れて空気中の酸素を利用する。このMgFCは自己放電の問題を解決した。この種電池の持続動作を可能にした。意味は大きい。MgFC の理論エネルギー貯蔵量 2.6Ah/g。リチウムイオン電池の 10 倍以上。車に適用した場合、重量20kgで500km の走行が可能。
MgFC は scalable であり、用途に合わせて規模を拡大できる。日本国内の全必要エネルギーをマグネシウム燃料電池で賄える。Prof.   Kohama   は原子力・化石燃料からマグネシウム燃料へのエネルギーシフトを早急に行うべきとしている。 100 万 kW 級マグネシウムプラントの建設費は約 1000億円。 内訳は1)約 500 億円 = Mg 精錬プラント + 2) 約 500 億円 = Mg 燃料電池プラント。 原発の半分以下。