III. Magnesium
3.1 Excellent Properties of Magnesium
3.2 Magnesium Market and its Trends
3.2.1 World Market
3.2.2 Japanese Market
3.3 Issues and Problems
III. Magnesium
3.1 Excellent Properties
Magnesium is available anywhere in the world. There is no fear that the magnesium resources are consumed up to exhaustion. Magnesium never solely exists in a natural state. Magnesium may be utilized anywhere if it may be smelted.
Magnesium has many excellent properties as the light metal. Specific gravity: Mg = 1.8、and Al = 2.7、Fe = 7.9. Of those metals, magnesium is the lightest metal. The strength of magnesium when used as a structural material is significantly high. Magnesium has a good heat radiation property. It also has a good shielding property against the electromagnetic waves. It has many excellent properties of, for example, specific strength, specific rigidity, shock absorption, machinability, depression resistance. Its dimension little varies with respect to temperature and time. Its recyclability is good.
3.2.1 World Market
882 x 1000 tons in 2015, and 1279 x 1000 tons in 2020 = a prediction of the world demand of magnesium. A predicted value of the world magnesium demand in 2012 749 x 1000 tons (C & M company, material disclosed by 2010 IMA international meeting, and JMA).
The world magnesium demand over a range from 2012 to 2020 sharply increases as clearly shown through comparison of those figures of the magnesium demand. Note that the die casting magnesium alloy (automobile parts) occupies the most of the magnesium demand increase.
Magnesium demands: (JMA)
1) Additive agent for aluminum-based alloy (40% of total demand)
2)Die casting for automobile parts
3) Die casting for other fields
4) Desulfurization for steel production
5) Others
Note that of those demand items the die casting for automobile parts sharply increases: 191 (in 2011)、216 (2012)、308 (2015)、521 (2020) (unit: x 1000 tons). Automobile manufacturers in Europe actively use magnesium parts for automobiles, for example, instrument panels, engine cradles, and roof rails. To cope with environment and resource issues, automobile emission regulations become stricter. The tendency of the emission regulations forces the manufacturers to reduce weight of automobiles. The tendency is worldwide and will be intensified more and more.
Prediction is made such that the magnesium demand will sharply increase in the world. It is said that China has a plan to make large scale production of magnesium. Posco (Korean) proceeds with a project to construct an integrated production system ranging from the magnesium smelting to plateworking.
III. マグネシウム
マグネシウムの比重:Mg = 1.8。アルミニウムと鉄の比重:Al = 2.7、Fe = 7.9。
リサイクル性がよい。Japan Magnesium Association (JMA)
3.2 マグネシウム市場とその動向
3.2.1 世界の市場
マグネシウムの世界の需要推移は全体として882 (2015)、1279 (2020) (単位:千トン)と予測されている。2012が749 (予測値) である(C&M社 2010年IMA国際会議発表資料、日本マグネシウム協会)。これらの値を比較するとかなりの増大である。その増加のほとんどが鋳造用マグネシウム合金 (自動車部品用)。
1) アルミニウムをベースとした合金種への添加材(全体の約40%)
2) ダイカスト向け(自動車)
3) ダイカスト向け(その他)
4) 鉄鋼脱硫向け
5) その他
注目すべきは、これら項目の中で、自動車用ダイカストの伸びが著しい:191 (2011)、216 (2012)、308 (2015)、521 (2020)。
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